
Jahr Autor Titel
2019 Grydin, O., Sotirov, N., Samsonenko, A., Biba, N., Andreiev, A., Stolbchenko, M.1, Behr, T.-M., Frolov, Ia., Schaper, M. Flexible Hot Rolling of Extruded Shapes of Aluminum Alloy EN AW-6082 Herunterladen
2019 Nikolay Biba, Ruslan Rezvykh, Ivan Kniazkin Quality Prediction and Improvement of Extruded Profiles by Means of Simulation Herunterladen
2018 Nikolay Biba, Artem Alimov, Andrey Shitikov, Sergei Stebunov The Implementation of Microstructural and Heat Treatment Models to Development of Forming Technology of Critical Aluminum-Alloy Parts Herunterladen
2018 Alimov Artem, Zabelyan Dmitry, Burlakov Igor, Korotkov Igor, Gladkov Yuri Simulation of Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution during Hot Forging of TC11 Titanium Alloy Herunterladen
2018 Sergey Stebunov, Andrey Vlasov, Nikolai Biba Prediction of the fracture in cold forging with modified Cockcroft-Latham criterion Herunterladen
2018 Dmitry Gerasimov, Arthur Gartvig, Karl C. Grötzinger Spezielle Methoden zur effektiven FE-Simulation von Freiformschmiedeprozessen mit der Software QForm VX Herunterladen
2017 Łukasz Lisiecki, Piotr Skubisz, Stanislav Kanevskiy, Paul Mordvintsev Predicting Fracture in Closed-die Forgings Herunterladen
2017 Ronald Lesley Plaut, Nikolay Biba, Stanislav Kanevskiy Some aspects related tot he durability of forming dies Herunterladen
2017 Sergey Stebunov, Nick Biba, Sergey Vinnichenko Industrial Ring and Wheel Rolling Simulations Herunterladen
2017 Dmitry Gerasimov, Arthur Gartvig Parallel computing of metal forming simulation in QForm software Herunterladen
2016 C. Bandini, B. Reggiani, L. Donati, L. Tomesani Development and Validation of a Dynamic and Static Recrystallization Model for Microstructural Prediction of AA6060 Aluminum Alloy with QForm Herunterladen
2016 Andrij Milenin, Piotr Kustra, Dorota Joanna Byrska-Wójcik Numerical prediction of fracture during manufacturing of thick wall tubes from low ductility steels in flow forming process Herunterladen
2016 D. Svyetlichnyy, J. Nowak, N. Biba, Ł. Łach Flow stress models for deformation under varying condition - finite element method simulation Herunterladen
2016 Dmitry Gerasimov, Nikolay Biba, Sergei Stebunov, Maksim Kadach Implementation of a Dual Mesh Method for Longitudinal Rolling in QForm V8 Herunterladen
2016 M. M. Skripalenko, V. E. Bazhenov, B. A. Romantsev, M. N. Skripalenko, T. B. Huy and Y. A. Gladkov Mannesmann piercing of ingots by plugs of different shapes Herunterladen
2016 D. Gerasimov, J. Wälder Investigations regarding the simultaneous processing of metal and plastic using full forward extrusion Herunterladen
2015 O.I. Bylya, M.K. Sarangi, Rohit N, A. Nayak, R.A. Vasin, P.L. Blackwell Simulation of the Material Softening During Hot Metal Forming Herunterladen
2015 Nikolay Biba, Sergey Stebunov, Andrey Lishny, Alexey Duzhev Automated extrusion die design integrated with simulation of material flow Herunterladen
2015 Yury Gladkov, Ilya Peshekhodov, Milan Vucetic, Anas Bouguecha, Bernd-Arno Behrens Implementation of the Bai & Wierzbicki fracture criterion in QForm and its application for cold metal forming and deep drawing technology Herunterladen
2015 Nikolay Biba, Alexey Vlasov, Sergei Stebunov, Alexander Maximov An Approach to Simulation of Flow Forming Using Elastic-Visco-Plastic Material Model Herunterladen
